What poverty leads to ?

How we define poverty:

Poverty is a widespread and pervasive issue that affects millions of people around the world. poverty defined as the state of being extremely poor, lacking basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. Poverty is a complex phenomenon that is caused by a multitude of factors, including economic, social, and political factors. 

Causes of poverty: 

One of the main causes of poverty is the lack of access to education and job opportunities. The main cause of poverty without education or skills training, people are unable to secure well-paying jobs and are thus unable to provide for themselves and their families. This often leads to a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break. Another cause of poverty is the unequal distribution of wealth. In many societies, a small percentage of people hold a significant portion of the wealth, while the majority of people are left with very little. This creates a situation where the poor are unable to access basic necessities, while the wealthy enjoy a comfortable and privileged lifestyle.

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Effects of poverty:

Poverty has a number of negative effects on individuals and societies. For individuals, poverty can lead to poor health outcomes, lower life expectancy, and limited access to education and job opportunities. Effect of poverty can also lead to social exclusion and a lack of participation in community life. At the social level, poverty can lead to political instability, crime, and social unrest. It can also have a negative impact on economic growth, as poverty limits the ability of individuals to contribute to the economy and participate in consumer spending.

Solutions to poverty:

Efforts to address poverty must take a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of poverty. Solutions to poverty includes providing access to education and job training, promoting economic growth and development, and ensuring that wealth is distributed more evenly. Additionally, social safety net programs such as food assistance and healthcare can help alleviate the immediate needs of those living in poverty.


In conclusion, poverty is a complex and pervasive issue that requires a comprehensive approach to address. While progress has been made in reducing poverty around the world, there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has access to the basic necessities of life.


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